Machine Safeguarding and Light Curtains

Machine Safeguarding and Light Curtains on a ramp

Machine Safeguarding and Light Curtains

Machine safeguarding is essential for protecting workers from injury in the manufacturing workplace. Light curtains are a type of machine-safeguarding device that can be used to protect workers from dangerous moving parts.
In this blog, we will discuss the importance of machine safeguarding, the different types of machine-safeguarding devices, and how light curtains work.

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Why is Machine Safeguarding Important?

Machine safeguarding is important because it helps to prevent injuries and fatalities in the workplace. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there were over 50,000 workplace injuries and illnesses involving exposure to moving machinery in 2019. Of these, over 7,000 resulted in days away from work.

Machine safeguarding devices can help to prevent these injuries and fatalities by creating a physical barrier between workers and dangerous moving parts. This barrier can help to stop workers from entering the danger zone and coming into contact with the moving parts.

Types of Machine Safeguarding Devices

There are a number of different types of machine-safeguarding devices available. Some of the most common types of machine-safeguarding devices include:

  • Light curtains: Light curtains are made up of a series of infrared beams that are arranged in a grid. When an object breaks the beams, the light curtain will send a signal to stop the machine.
  • Safety mats: Safety mats are pressure-sensitive mats that are placed on the floor in front of dangerous moving parts. When a worker steps on the mat, the safety mat will send a signal to stop the machine.
  • Guard rails: Guard rails are physical barriers that are placed around dangerous moving parts. Guard rails help to prevent workers from entering the danger zone.

How Do Light Curtains Work?

Light curtains work by using a series of infrared beams to create a virtual barrier. When an object breaks the beams, the light curtain will send a signal to stop the machine.

The beams in a light curtain are typically invisible to the human eye. However, they can be detected by the light curtain’s sensor. When the sensor detects that the beams have been broken, it will send a signal to stop the machine.

Light curtains are versatile machine-safeguarding devices that can be used to protect workers from a variety of hazards. They are easy to install and maintain, and they can be used in a variety of environments.


Machine safeguarding is essential for protecting workers from injury in the manufacturing workplace. Light curtains are a type of machine-safeguarding device that can be used to protect workers from dangerous moving parts. Light curtains are easy to install and maintain, and they can be used in a variety of environments.

By using machine-safeguarding devices, businesses can help to create a safe and healthy workplace for their employees.

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