Who are we?
Great Lakes Bar Code was founded with the interest of providing the highest quality camera scanner technology. Our business is based in the United States. We strive to provide the highest quality camera scanner equipment with the best customer service you’ll find.
Why are industrial bar code readers important?
They let you keep a centralized record on a computer system that tracks products, prices, and stock levels. You can change prices as often as you like, without having to put new price dtags on all your bottles and boxes. You can instantly see when stock levels of certain items are running low and reorder. The right camera scanner technology can reduce your downtime.
The right bar code reader?
It would be no good having bar codes if we didn’t have the technology to read them. Bar code readers have to be able to read the black-and-white zebra lines on products extremely quickly. Then feed that information to a computer or checkout terminal. This can identify them immediately using a product database. It is important to have the right scanner for the right job.
Why use us?
At Great Lakes Bar Code, we have over 40 years of combined experience to help you find what you need. We have an easy order system to get your order quickly.
If you have questions about us or the products we provide give us a call at 763-276-3446 or email at Sales@GreatLakesBarcode.com. We have experienced technicians on standby to answer all your questions and find you the part you need.
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